
目前顯示的是 10月, 2016的文章

夜問:第一階段報名 First Round Registration



日期 Date 2016年11月28日(一) November 28, 2016 時間 Time 19:00-21:00 (18:30開放入場) 7: 00 p.m. - 9: 00 p.m. (Admission starts at 6:30 pm) 地點 Location 臺灣大學博雅教學館101教室 Classroom 101, Liberal Education Classroom Building, National Taiwan University -------------------------- -------------------------- --- 內容 Content 無論在東方或西方世界,「問」與「答」皆是生活經驗 及智慧傳遞的重要方式,在一次次起疑與解惑的過程中激盪 出生命的花火。我們非常高興邀請宗薩欽哲仁波切來到臺大 校園,針對我們所提出的「國際現象」、「社會議題」,以 及「個人心靈」三方面問題,與師生及社會大眾分享他的觀 察及洞見,誠摯歡迎您帶著疑惑一同來聆聽本次講座! Question and answer is the important way of passing life experiences and wisdom both in the East and the West. We could bring out sparkles of life in the process of resolving doubts whenever suspicions rise. We are very pleased to invite Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to share his observations and insights in terms of the three issues on "international situations," "social issues" and "personal spirituality " with teachers, students and the public. We sincerely welcome you attend the lecture with your questi